Students meeting in Riga

2024 November 11 to November 14

From November 10th to 15th, 2024, training sessions on sustainability development issues in education were held for students and teachers from vocational education institutions in Italy, Belgium, Finland, Germany, and Latvia. These sessions were organized as part of the Erasmus+ KA2 project "GrInnED – Green Innovation: Make Education Sustainable!" (No. 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000085712).

At the beginning of the training, students gave a presentation about their country and introduced themselves. During the sessions, they had the opportunity to participate in educational experiments and discuss sustainability development issues in education from economic, social, and environmental perspectives.

Education on economic sustainability includes understanding topics such as the circular economy, "green" jobs, and sustainable production and consumption models. In the social dimension, it involves understanding how to reduce societal inequality, improve access to health and education, and encourage civic participation. Environmental sustainability training focuses on topics like climate change, natural resource conservation, biodiversity protection, and responsible environmental stewardship. Education in this area helps students understand the impact of human activities on ecosystems and promotes the shift in thinking and behavior necessary to mitigate this impact.

On the last day of the training, students and teachers visited the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, where they attended a lecture titled "Myths and Truths about Scientists and Science." They also had the opportunity to observe and participate in four different workstations. At the end of the training, certificates were awarded to participants for their involvement in the sessions.